Holly is a standard Goldendoodle with a beautiful wavy coat. She weighs 40 lbs and is 20 inches tall. Holly has completed all of her health testing.
Bear is a petite Goldendoodle Stud. He weighs 18 lbs and is 15 inches tall. Bear has passed all his health testing.
Primrose is a mini Goldendoodle. She weighs 22 lbs and is 16 inches tall. Primrose has completed all of her health testing.
Olive is a medium Goldendoodle. She weighs 30lbs and is 18 inches tall. Olive has completed all of her health testing.
Daisy is a standard Goldendoodle. She weighs 40 lbs and is 20 inches tall. Daisy has completed all of her health testing.
Iris is a medium Bernedoodle. She weighs 45 lbs and is 23 inches tall. Iris has completed all of her health testing.
Scout is a mini Goldendoodle stud. He weighs 20 lbs and is 16 inches tall. Scout has completed all of his health testing.
Lily is a mini Goldendoodle. She weighs 25 lbs and is 18 inches tall. Lily's health testing is pending.
Honey is mini Goldendoodle. She weighs 20 pounds and is 16 inches tall. We hope to see puppies from Honey in late 2024, pending her health testing.
Clover is a mini Goldendoodle. She is 18 inches tall and weighs 32lbs. Clover has completed all her health testing.
Pumpkin is a future mom pending the completion of her health testing.